7 celebs and their strange celebrity hobbies

Strange celebrity hobbies that you may not have heard of

What is your answer if someone asks you about your hobby?  

Your answer could be anything from toys, books, comics, pictures or similar. But do you know that there are celebrities whose hobbies are so different from ours that they can even be called strange to outright weird?  

Here is a list of some strange things that celebrities collect as their hobby:

  • Tom Hanks

Typewrites may be a thing of the past, but for Tom Hanks, they are his obsession. He began collecting different types of vintage typewriters when he was 19. Tom makes it a point to visit the local market to buy vintage typewriters whenever he shoots in that city. Since then, he has collected a sizable number of them. He has now started giving them off to various charities and museums as souvenirs. Currently he still has over 100 pieces of them. And no, none of his scripts was written on any one of them!  

  • Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie pursues a rather dangerous hobby. She is fond of collecting daggers and knives! She owned her first knife when she was just 11! Since then, she has been collecting knives and daggers of different shapes and sizes and also from different regions of the world. Her son Maddox has now picked up the hobby and is now adding to the family collection! That is one more reason that makes Angelina Jolie dangerous!  

One thing that celebrities have in large numbers is clothes! And to keep so many of them alright they definitely need coat hangers. But when it comes to Penelope Cruz, the number of coat hangers in her closet outnumbers her clothes. That is because she has a hobby of collecting coat hangers! She has over 500 of them and not a single one of them is a metal one, she prefers wooden ones and that too of the handcrafted variety! Now you know what she will do to you if you mess with her, she would simply hang you over one of her coat hangers!

  • Demi Moore

After her divorce from Bruce Willis, Demi Moore revived her hobby of collecting vintage dolls. Now whenever she travels to different parts of the world, she collects them and even asks her friends to grab some whenever they are travelling. Her collection is now over a thousand pieces strong with every doll unique in its own right. She has even insured her vintage doll collection for $2 million! You might call this reliving one’s childhood again.  

  • Rod Stewart

Most of us would have played with a model railway set when we were young. But rock star Rod Stewart still plays them! The entire second floor of his home is dedicated to his model toy train collection. The floor also has a miniature version of the Manhattan Metro Rail with running trains. Also, wherever Rod Stewart travels, he books two rooms, one for himself and the other for his train set!  

  • Paris Hilton

Some people love hunting for the wild goose, some love hunting wild hare and some like angling, but Paris Hilton loves to hunt frogs! Many of her ranches have ponds with islands inside them which support a thriving frog population. She catches them, collects them and then releases them back alive in the ponds.

  • Steve Wozniak

Instead of taking the car to travel short distances, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak prefers to take his Segway! He has been a Segway fan since 2010 and now even plays Polo on a Segway!

It is a fact that one must cultivate a hobby because hobbies are known to be great stress busters. However, it takes a celebrity to develop hobbies that are way different from ordinary mortals.

So, what is your hobby? Is it different from most of us, or is it as strange as some of the celebrities named above?


Hobbies are known as great stress-busters. But instead of nurturing an ordinary hobby here is a list of some strange celebrity hobbies curated for you of which some may even feel weird to you.


Strange celebrity hobbies, Tom Hanks, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Demi Moore, Rod Stewart, Paris Hilton, Steve Wozniak


  • Tom Hanks – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Tom_Hanks_TIFF_2019.jpg/220px-Tom_Hanks_TIFF_2019.jpg
  • Angelina Jolie – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Under_Secretary_Zeya_Meets_With_UNHCR_Special_Envoy_Jolie_%2851942861677%29_%28cropped%29.jpg/220px-Under_Secretary_Zeya_Meets_With_UNHCR_Special_Envoy_Jolie_%2851942861677%29_%28cropped%29.jpg
  • Penelope Cruz – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a7/Premios_Goya_2018_-_Pen%C3%A9lope_Cruz.jpg/220px-Premios_Goya_2018_-_Pen%C3%A9lope_Cruz.jpg
  • Demi Moore – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Demi_Moore_2012.jpg/220px-Demi_Moore_2012.jpg
  • Rod Stewart – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/Rod_Stewart_at_Xcel_Center_DSC_0470_%2814905955253%29_cropped.jpg/220px-Rod_Stewart_at_Xcel_Center_DSC_0470_%2814905955253%29_cropped.jpg
  • Paris Hilton – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Paris_Hilton_at_the_US_Capitol_%28cropped%29.jpg/220px-Paris_Hilton_at_the_US_Capitol_%28cropped%29.jpg
  • Steve Wozniak – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Steve_Wozniak_by_Gage_Skidmore_3_%28cropped%29.jpg/220px-Steve_Wozniak_by_Gage_Skidmore_3_%28cropped%29.jpg

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